Posts tagged filter

Searching through all columns in datagridview


Assuming you are searching for the name John, the following procedure will search all existing columns regardless

Dim x As Integer = 0
 While x < DataGridView1.Rows.Count
 Dim y As Integer = 0
 While y < DataGridView1.Rows(x).Cells.Count
 Dim c As DataGridViewCell = DataGridView1.Rows(x).Cells(y)
 If Not c.Value Is DBNull.Value Or Nothing Then
 If CType(c.Value, String) = "John" Then
 End If
 End If
 System.Math.Min(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(y), y - 1)
 End While
 System.Math.Min(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(x), x - 1)
 End While
 MessageBox.Show("Search complete!")
 End Sub

Filtering a datagridview


assuming you have a datagridview that has data in it.

you want to avoid recalling sql from the database & just want to filter the datagrid.

you can do the following, What you need (1 datagridview (data), 1 button (search), 1 textbox (string to search), 1 variable to precise the criteria your searching for)

Dim findcrit as string
Dim dt As DataTable = Ds_Pos.Employees
 Dim dv As New DataView(dt)
 Dim _RowFilter As String = ""
 Dim _FieldType = dt.Columns(findcrit).DataType.ToString
 Select Case _FieldType
 Case "System.Int32"
 _RowFilter = "convert(" & findcrit & ", 'System.String') like '" & Me.TextBox1.Text & "'"
 Case "System.Int64"
 _RowFilter = "convert(" & findcrit & ", 'System.String') like '" & Me.TextBox1.Text & "'"
 Case "System.Double"
 _RowFilter = "convert(" & findcrit & ", 'System.String') like '" & Me.TextBox1.Text & "'"
 Case "System.String"
 _RowFilter = findcrit & " like '" & TextBox1.Text & "*'"
 End Select
 dv.RowFilter = _RowFilter
 EmployeesDataGridView.DataSource = dv

The cases are to cast the type of variable from any type to string because you can only use the method on string data types.

the idea is to move the content to a data table then filter then return it back to the datatable.

How to filter a listview in

Sub FilterListView(ByVal Listview As ListView, ByVal iteme As String)
 For Each item As ListViewItem In Listview.Items
 If Not item.SubItems(1).Text = iteme Then
 End If
 End Sub
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